
Top things to do in Matosinhos

Impressive Monet & Brilliant Klimt

Impressive Monet & Brilliant Klimt

Museums / Exhibitions >> Exhibitions

Impressive Monet Impressive Monet is a reinterpretation of the artworks of one of the promoters of impressionism that shows what is beyond the frame, through a journey through the artist's world and through his never-ending quest to capture light.

The public will be immersed in the artist's impressionist movement and enveloped by the lines and colors that are part of Monet's world. Brilliant Klimt Brilliant Klimt traces the path through the biographical aspects and the artistic legacy of the Austrian artist through his iconic painting – The Kiss.

This will be the guiding thread of the journey through the artistic path while exploring the influences of Klimt's world.

Audiences will be immersed in Klimpt's intimacy and feel immersed in the artist's romantic art.

See 360° artistic projections as the Alfândega do Porto transforms into a monumental canvas
Immerse yourself in the works of different artists.

  • 2022-06-01 | 2023-08-16
  • 12:00
  • > 11€
  • Alfândega Nova do Porto


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R. Brito Capelo, 843
4450-076 Matosinhos

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